Introducing the Worksong Challenge!


5:30pm every third Wednesday
with interviews and challenges the other weeks

The Worksong Challenge

Do you want to explore the common patterns that have emerged across worksong traditions worldwide, improve your ability to sing with power and energy, learn tips and tricks for leading groups in song, and expand your repertoire of catchy songs that drive folks forward?

Are you looking for a safe space to sing and have fun in spite of the pandemic?

Then join the Worksong Challenge, an online series of workshops in the practical and efficient use of music at work! We focus on exploring musical labor traditions from around the world, and analyzing how people, songs, and work have come together to get things done.

The Challenge operates on a three-week rotation:

Week A is an hour-long live meeting with Bennett where we learn songs from many traditions and open the window into a specific practice, place, or person. Georgia Sea Island shouts? Sure! Scandinavian cow calls? Yes. Zulu bean-harvest party-songs? You bet.

During Week B we interview a tradition-bearer, scholar, or singer. We crowd-source questions and explore techniques at greater depth, through the eyes of a practitioner. They may share a song or two. Some of these interviews are live, others are pre-recorded. Feel free to tune in for the live interview or listen later on your own time.

During Week C we challenge ourselves to grow as singers and workers. Bennett will go live with a technique, song, practice, or activity to try on your own time. You can watch live or tune in later to see what sort of hijinks we’re up to. We’ll then share our progress in a private space in the Worksong Community Circle as a way to hold ourselves accountable, to keep growing, and to get encouragement and suggestions from Bennett and the group as a whole. The goal is to help you sing a variety of fun and catchy songs with power, confidence, all while you’re doing interesting things.

We will meet live at 5:30p Eastern Time (USA) on Wednesdays, beginning March 3. Weeks B and C you can tune in live or whenever it is convenient for you.

Beginning March 3, 2021 we begin “alpha testing”, this concept (aka. the larval phase). Access is free and open to all as we launch the group. Starting in June 2021 we begin “beta testing” the group (aka. the chrysalis phase), and a sliding scale fee based on your income and ability to pay will begin. On Nov 1, 2021 we exit the beta phase as a beautiful butterfly open and ready for the world to join.

During the Alpha phase we will accept people on a rolling basis until we feel the group is too large. Beginning on June 1 folks will only be able to join at the beginning of each season.

Preference will also be given to members of The Mighty Worksong Community Chorus, which meets to sing for 1 hour each Monday evening.

Seasons are: Spring (Mar-May), Summer (Jun-Aug), Autumn (Sep-Nov) and Winter (Dec-Feb).

The Worksong Challenge

Who The Worksong Challenge is for:

  • Folks who are interested in exploring the multi-cultural roots of various musical labor traditions

  • Farmers, rowers, joggers, knitters, homesteaders and other active people looking to add energy and inspiration to their work.

  • Musicians looking to add repertoire, depth, and even physical exertion to their musical experience.

  • Folks who are looking for a gentle, supportive group of people to sing, work and learn with. We use “Yes, and” communication, and we do not support mean or crude behavior.

  • People who want to hear and support worksongs and worksongers in their neighborhood.

Who it is not for:

  • People who just want to sing lots of songs. Please join The Mighty Worksong Community Chorus instead… we do that, every week!

  • People who want to simply study these traditions on a purely academic level, without some singing, consider a university-level ethnomusicology program.

  • Folks who are generally grouchy or enjoy criticizing other’s singing.

Sponsored By:

This Worksong Challenge Group is co-sponsored by Sylvester Manor Educational Farm, on Shelter Island, NY, whose mission is to preserve, cultivate and share historic Sylvester Manor while ensuring that food and art remain connected with community and the land.

The challenge group will work specifically with the farm crew at Sylvester Manor as they make their way through the farm season, March through October. If you are a farmer or homesteader, the alpha and beta phases of this challenge will feel particularly relevant. We will be checking in with them regularly to troubleshoot concerns and issues that come up during their season.